Thursday, April 28, 2011

Schick-Shadel Hospital - Beyond The Slogan

The Schick-Shadel Hospital slogan is "Give us 10 days, we'll give you back your life."

I hadn't heard the slogan before I made my decision to give Schick 10 days of my life, but I got very familiar with the slogan while I was there.  Now that I've been a graduate (that's what we're called - sounds good, doesn't it?) of the program for a couple of weeks, I've thought about that slogan a lot more.  Because of how profoundly different my perception is of that slogan now versus how it was when I first heard it.  

When I first read the slogan on the website during my research of the program, I didn't really give it much thought.  Then the day I drove to the hospital and admitted myself, I heard it again in the lobby while I was waiting to be checked in.  I recall thinking, "Wow, that's pretty cool" at the time, and my conscious thought was of this IDEAL LIFE that I had swimming around in my mind.  A concoction of what my perfect life looks like, and making that connection to the slogan.  So walking in I was half expecting my 10 days at Schick to give me "THAT" life back.  Talk about screwy thinking?  I can see that now, but way!  Because I wanted a magic fix.  I thought I wanted that "perfect" life, but how can Schick give me something that I've never had, right?  They can't, plain and simple.  But that's how out of whack my sense of everything was when I walked into that hospital on April 1st.  I was so low on self esteem, knowledge of self, respect of self, and completely bankrupt of spirit.  I didn't know how to count my blessings, because I couldn't see any blessings around me, because I couldn't see any blessings WITHIN me.  

Now that I am a graduate though, and I listen to that slogan, I can say that I have never heard anything more profound in all of my life.  No truer words were ever spoken.  Schick-Shadel did EXACTLY what they promised, they gave me back MY life.  The EXACT life that I left waiting outside the doors when I walked into the hospital on April 1st, 2011, except now I can APPRECIATE it!  I no longer want some perfect life, fantasy escape that I conjured up in my mind, I want my life, this life, this precious, AMAZING GIFT of life that God gave ME.  He didn't give my life to you, or her, or him...He GAVE it to ME, because I AM IMPORTANT.  I MATTER.  I AM VALUABLE.  

I couldn't see that before.  I couldn't appreciate me before.  I felt completely worthless and invaluable and because of it, I was willing to waste the gift of my life inside a bottle.  Thank you Schick-Shadel for giving me back MY life!

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