Sunday, May 29, 2011

Getting Love Right - My New Favorite Book!

If you haven't heard me say it yet, you're hearing me say it now...this is THE BEST BOOK EVER!!!!  It's called 'Getting Love Right' and it's by Terence Gorski.  Here's a link for you to check it out and get your own copy from my personal favorite book store ever, Powells Books - Getting Love Right.  

I first saw this gem of a book in the curio cabinet at Schick when I was perusing through the titles of books for sale after a Women's Support Group meeting the first or second week I was home from rehab.  The title grabbed me right away, and so I decided to buy it and see what I might learn, if anything, from it.

From the minute I started reading it, I knew that this book was going to teach me more about relationships than I have ever known.  I couldn't put it down.  Every page I read, led me deeper into a journey of self awareness that I've been eager to travel for some time, but never knew where to start.  

You see, I've always known that I have some issues when it comes to being in a relationship, or at least when it comes to making one work, because frankly, I have always felt like love shouldn't be this hard.  Now in the middle of divorce number two, and feeling like I know that better has to be out there, but I'm just not sure how to find it, or how to keep it.  I was looking for answers, for guidance, for awareness, and I found all that and so much more within the pages of this one amazing book!

The author, Terry Gorski, does an incredible job of illuminating what dysfunctional relationships look like, sound like, and feel like.  Then he takes it a step further to show you how a healthy relationship looks, sounds, and feels.  This book is chock full of very practical, and easily understandable terms and theories that I could really relate with and apply to my own life and relationship history.  

Reading this book was like getting to talk to an independent, unbiased third party, who could help me to understand the things that I do in a relationship that are dysfunctional and the things that I do that are healthy and how I can do less of the stuff that damages a relationship and more of the stuff that encourages a healthy relationship.  

It's going to take a whole lot of practice and patience on my part, but I am super excited and eager to work at it, because I feel like I too, can get love right!  

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